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Member Since 24 Jun 2003
Offline Last Active Apr 30 2016 08:38 PM

Topics I've Started

Whats The Name?

11 April 2008 - 09:31 PM

Looking for a simulator i use to play a couple of years ago. Like i said it was a SIMULATOR, it was a 4 reeler £1000JP and the only thing i can remember (sadly) is when you got on to the feature the music was Vengaboys (im going to Ibiza).

Any help would be appriciated

Make A Million Club

18 December 2005 - 09:56 AM

I asked the question a while back as to when the DX of this would be released and i got told that it was in the pipeline, and due for release sooner rather than later. Still cant seem to find it, so has anybody got any news on its whereabouts?

Make A Million Club

13 August 2005 - 11:52 PM

Any chance we might see a full version of Make A Million Club instead of just the classic version which has been around for ages?

Any chance of seeing?......

14 June 2004 - 07:23 PM

Just wondering if theres any chance we could see Club "Make A Million" anytime in the near future.
If i had the 1st clue on making these things myself (and if it was possible to make this one) then i would be more than happy to have a go.

Whats up doc

11 February 2004 - 04:18 PM

Who can forget the Ivor Bigun' ward