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Member Since 21 Jun 2006
Offline Last Active Private

Topics I've Started

Jackpottyforms Are *******!

24 August 2010 - 10:36 AM

lol went on jackpottyforums and it said im banned lol how childish lol hehe

Free T-Shirt From Burger King

21 February 2010 - 09:27 PM

right anyone want a FREE t-shirt from burger king you can put anything on your t-shirt if you click on this site http://www.kingtasty...8eaf601236d5b08 (Watch the video then under neath it will say design a t-shirt then if you get 50 views on your video Free t-shirt thu the post thanks fruitmachineemu

acer aspire 3610 problem

14 February 2010 - 10:54 PM

Ive got a 6 year old acer aspire 3610 and every time i turn it on come on windows did not start successfully bla bla i click windows start normally and then the bar scroll across then flickers a blue screen then goes back to windows did not start just keep repeating doing that Ive tried in safe mode as well as all other things and i don't know why it does it??

could anyone help please thanks

Bullion Bars Empty!

06 December 2009 - 12:45 AM

went in quicksilver at 6:00 only had £20 on me and i walk to a bullion bars £25 jackpot 30p full (refilled) bottom was empty so i thote shall i risk i did and look what happened!

YouTube - Astra Bullion Bar Refill Empty IOU £18 £200 up

please rate N comment! thanks


North West FLood Cumbria!

20 November 2009 - 11:55 AM

wow just watching BBC news and they under water 8ft its mad!