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Barry Trotter

Member Since 21 Jun 2006
Offline Last Active May 02 2009 09:35 PM

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In Topic: 3 new test machines!!!!

21 June 2006 - 08:32 PM

Deal or No Deal is a copy of Take The Piece
Sabre is a copy of Hot Shot (if it has the turbo game), or the 47th re-incarnation of Crash Bang Wallop.
Elvis Rockin Reels is a Serial S34 game, which there are a few of knocking around.

Problem is, the operators know how much S16's can take, and they have been putting pressure on the manufacturers to come up with a "S16 for Pubs" - well, here you go - Serial S34 is the way its been done.

You may not agree with it - i can't see why people would play them, but then, go to Australia and then tell me why people play the pokies over there - there are loads in pubs, and they can eat far more money than our versions. Its sad, but its where its going.

I, for one, may not want to play them, but i have to deal with them every day....