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Member Since 02 Jul 2006
Offline Last Active Aug 21 2015 08:46 PM

Topics I've Started

Possible silly question - LOTR emu's

28 October 2008 - 02:15 PM

Apologies if this is a silly question, but I have downloaded emu's for Lord of the Rings machines - Two Towers and Return of the King.
They start up ok and all looks fine - but I cannot "play" the machines....I cant get any credit to register by clicking on coin slot - nor can I see an alternative....any ideas?


Jackpot Genie Emu?

14 October 2008 - 03:42 PM

Anyone know if theres a Jackpot Genie Emu (Red Gaming) that I can download?

Help with searching

11 October 2008 - 08:36 AM

I'm trying to search the downloads section for Hot Stuff.
Can anyone advise on searching the downloads or maybe even send me a link?
