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Member Since 17 Sep 2011
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In Topic: B3 Random? % ?

22 May 2015 - 10:25 PM

Chose this answer as the best, thanks big time bud! So basically the "94 or 92 %" stated on a RANDOM machine doesn't really mean anything at all? Even if a £500 has taken £5000 without the jackpot but a lucky player gambles £20 and wins the £500 that's the "%" hit?

What is the odds of a head in a toin coss? 50%, right? 


If you bet on heads every time, your average return is 50%.


If the coin has a (incredibly unlikely) streak of 100 heads in a row, would you then expect it to have 100 tails in quick succession to compensate for it and to meet its "payout percentage"? 


I would hope the answer is "no", becuase the 100 heads have literally no bearing on future results, just like with roulette.  This is how any system can show an expected payout percentage, whilst also being random, whilst ALSO having 1000s of statistically unlikely results while the actual percentage flutuates above and below the predicted 50% figure.