Okay. I know that I am probably going to get moaned at for asking, but my folders/files are all over the bloody place at the moment. It is taking me ages to go through all the Roms, screenshots etc and trying to get it all in order and working. Have spent literally hours sorting these out. Probably take me months more!
I've had a gander across the Site, and I cannot see anyone offering anything like disks that have everything on that you need? i.e. MFME with all machines, roms, screenshots etc.
I know that Empire and others will not like it if someone is actually selling their roms on disks, but I am always open for some sort of trade? I know that you can get these sort of things on ebay, but firstly they should not be doing that, and secondly I would rather deal with my fellow bandit fans on here!
Anyone help?