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Member Since 18 Jul 2006
Offline Last Active Mar 29 2008 12:15 AM

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In Topic: Help please

03 February 2007 - 08:35 PM

Hi All,

With various machines I download and use with MFMEv3.2 I have difficulty playing them because I cannot get credit into the machine without setting off the alarm, its as if the game logic is too fast...

Any advice because its impossible to play?


The timing is important when inserting coins as the credit line is timed and if your button click is too slow the machine thinks that the coin is dodgy and naturally alarms, press the coin button on your emulator quicker and with shorter presses

In Topic: ldv green label tranformer

03 February 2007 - 08:25 PM

hiya thanks for the advice i will check again i found the fuses wrong and i am going to replace the all with the correct voltages and then go from there but could i change my ldv trnsformer for a newer type and would this still work as long as it is barcrest type.

Hi there the Green Label Barcrest PSU mean basically that payout voltage has been dropped from what used to be 50Volts for the payout solenoid to now a 24 volt Hopper unit and so the green label power supply can be swapped over to the new style switch mode unit with no problems as Barcrest have kept the same pinouts on both types. Yellow label power supplies are putting out 50 Volts AC for the payout coils, thats the difference

Hope that helps you out !!! Bridge Rectifiers in the Solid state PSU's like your green label one and in Yellow label types as well tend to go short circuit and the capacitors going bang is about all there is to go wrong with those types.

Switch mode is a bit trickier as you have generally one fuse thats the mains input fuse and thats it !!!! Nothing really servicable inside unless your good or know someone who can fix it !!! A good TV shop should be able to sort it out though !!