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Member Since 19 Jul 2006
Offline Last Active Sep 02 2009 11:52 AM

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In Topic: Fruit Machine Keys?

16 February 2009 - 12:12 AM

ok point taken key in the bin. could u answer the the question on the last bit of my last question

In Topic: Fruit Machine Keys?

15 February 2009 - 09:26 PM

well im glad i dont live near u then. i was speaking to one of the managers at my local and he says every monday a man comes out to empty the machines and see what thay have taken. a week ago i keyd them on a sunay night and one said *180 and the other *323 i went back on the monday night and thay both said *0.

In Topic: Fruit Machine Keys?

15 February 2009 - 03:09 AM

i have been using the key noe for 2 weeks i have keyd 5 machines saying impd *20 i will stick £30 in and i have won MEGA STREAK OR JACKPOT but then i have played machines were it says impd *0 and ill stick £80 in and win nothing.

i have worked out that on average every 2 weeks the machines in the club pay out so i will stick to tht strategy lol

In Topic: Fruit Machine Keys?

14 February 2009 - 03:07 PM

i bought a refill key thinkink jackpots galore lol in my local working mans club thay have 2 fruitys £250 jackpot one is called BOOZE CRUISE & HOURSES FOR COURSES i keyd them on the monday and it said IMPD *0 thinkn im gona win stuck £150 in it got nothing most i ever got offerd was £ 20 on nudges. on the 335 machines i have one a couple ofjackpots whilst using the key but then 2 day played POKER FACE keyd it it said *0 so stuck £80 in it and got nothing

ps just play fruitys for fun