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Phillip Rooney

Member Since 26 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Dec 17 2012 07:12 PM

Topics I've Started

Fruit Machine- Free To Good Home (Not Working)

04 December 2012 - 07:41 PM

I Have a Barcrest "Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie" Fruit machine which I purchased as part of a job lot, looking to move it on, for free. Must be picked up from near Glasgow.


It had several parts missing, I don't know what it needs to operate. So far I've noticed the coin mech is missing, the program PCB and the main PCB are all missing. Would be good for someone if they needed the spare parts, I suppose.


email me if you want it, it's going in the skip soon! Will be a waste.

Barcrest Note Acceptor Wanted

04 November 2012 - 08:25 PM

Hi All

I have recently got a Barcrest "Top Gear" machine for home use, which I have managed to change it back to £25/30p play,(from £5/10p) and set at 78%. There was issues with no keys and a broken power supply, which I have managed to sort out. However to get it running the way I want, I would like to get a compatible note acceptor, refill key and if possible, change the payout to £70/30p.

As far as i can tell, it did have a note acceptor fitted originally. It has a 16 pin black plug at the note acceptor slot,and the note box underneath but I have also notice a white loom plug which reaches down into the bottom of the cabinet, which I have no idea what it's for.

I have attached 2 pictures.

Does anyone have the parts I am looking for at a reasonable price, or be able to point me in the direction of a compatible part on ebay? I can pay a fair price.

Parts Required:
Compatable Note Acceptor which accepts the latest notes
Refill Key
Jackpot / Stake key for £70/30p


Attached File  White Loom plug.jpg   19.77KB   39 downloads
Attached File  Barcrest Note slot.jpg   30.45KB   40 downloads