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Member Since 29 Jul 2006
Offline Last Active Jan 29 2025 06:55 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Possible Dead Laptop

27 August 2019 - 08:06 AM

take out the ram and see if it boots to bios screen...

In Topic: MFME Cabinet - Building an Idea

04 November 2018 - 09:33 PM



I made the image myself, it is just a series of layers, for the background and the text, if you are interested I can send you the PDF I used for printing them.



hi i just saved the image...   they look so good i thought you got them of a seller.....lol

In Topic: MFME Cabinet - Building an Idea

04 November 2018 - 06:40 PM

Hi All,


Apologies for the lack of updates, a last minute urgent business trip to the Czech Republic has kind of got in the way of progress. However I have managed to make myself some inserts for the various buttons. I wanted something that was common across all the buttons. I found a very useful guide over on DAD's for adding multiple strokes within Photoshop and with a bit of playing I came up with the below:


attachicon.gifButtons Layout new.jpg


Which when fitted to the buttons look like:






Overall I think i'm pretty pleased with the look that they give. Hopefully will get some more time this week to work on the build.





can i ask if you made the button inserts yourself ?...  or is there a website you got the image from...

In Topic: Technical Advice on whats the best laptop to purchase

22 October 2018 - 05:11 PM

buy one where you can rotate the display in the display settings so you can see all the machine... also use an external keyboard for when you do...

In Topic: MFME Cabinet - Building an Idea

10 October 2018 - 05:57 PM

when putting screws into mdf i always put a drop of super glue on the screws so that they stay tight...