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£2 play

Member Since 07 Dec 2011
Offline Last Active Apr 07 2023 11:15 AM

Topics I've Started

DOND Note Acceptor

09 September 2018 - 08:55 AM

Hi there all,


Just wanted to know which note acceptor I'll need for my Deal or no Deal Bell-Fruit (Scorp 4) Machine.


NV8 will that do or will I need something different?.


Apologies for the long gap in posts :( 





Note Error 0

13 May 2013 - 12:55 PM

Hi Guys,


I was wondering if anyone can help me with a note error code 0 on my global/maygay Club WildSide fruity.


I recently removed my old working NV4 note acceptor serial from my fruity because I was selling it, so reseting the dills to how they should be for no notey present, but now its coming up note error 0 after the -checking- and - initialising - boot up, after 30 secs it goes and the fruity is playable.


I've tried reseting the ram and testing the connections but no good.


Could someone please shed some light on this as I'm at my wits end.

Everything was working great till then.



Thanks in advance.




07 December 2011 - 03:17 PM

Hi All, Long time reader of this forum, first time poster.

Anyone know where I could get a NV4 Parallel Loom from, I have searched everywhere and cant seem to find one.

Loom to Fit: Coin acceptor board, Parallel NV4 notey, Global/Maygay m/c Wildside club.

Thanks in advance.