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Member Since 01 Aug 2006
Offline Last Active Sep 23 2006 08:47 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Diverting of coins

23 September 2006 - 07:58 PM

yes, this is the same as what I am looking for, and i was also hoping to divert the 5p's into the 3rd box if this is possible.

In Topic: Diverting of coins

23 September 2006 - 08:54 AM

thanks. Just wondered why there was 3 boxes.

In Topic: bargain!!!!

15 August 2006 - 06:41 PM

no, the sensor is at the bottom, but it's no problem as the float when it's full is only £20.

But thanks a lot anyway baz.

In Topic: MPU5 Field service manual download

14 August 2006 - 08:13 PM

find attached, could be of use; but not sure.

In Topic: repeat? no... oh suprise

14 August 2006 - 07:47 PM

I am in the process of my own experiment in my new fruity at home.

it's a £25 jackpot and seems to repeat quite regularly, so i have noted the cash in & out meters since the last jackpot and will see how much it actually takes before it gives another.

it's set at 78%, and i will try various methods whilst playing, like purposly gambling the cash prizes untill it loses or hits jackpot.

will keep you all informed.

machine is called "Reel Thunder"

if anyone wants me to try any other methods, just let me know.