Member Since 01 Jul 2003Offline Last Active Today, 09:57 PM
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Hi, mate. Slight problem with doing the machine you want. We only have the program roms available at the moment. The sound roms are still missing.
Plus there is no artwork available either unfortunately.
Plus there is no artwork available either unfortunately.

fireball125 → ploggy
you allways seem to find the really rare machines that were great to play but didnt seem to take off to much well heres a challenge for u a bellfruit machine called hey presto pook did a brilliant version of suprize suprize that was around at the same time

I've also got the Super Two picture, now. That might be beyond my skills, mate, but the other two will definitely get done. Huge thanks for the fliers. :)

Not to worry. I'll just clean it up, and re-cab it. I have other JPM fliers that have the same cab, (Reelbonus) so I should be fine. :)
Supershot has arrived! :D Looks excellent, mate!

I have Cashbonus, but it's the side-on-view picture. Does the other side of the flier have the face-on view of the machine, mate?

Cheers, mate. As long as they're in a big enough resolution, saving them as JPG files shouldn't reduce the image quality that much. They will be resized for the layout anyway, so it should be fine. :)

If they're in a big enough resolution, you could save them as .JPG files and upload those instead. It should dramatically reduce the filesize then.