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Member Since 14 Aug 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 04 2007 05:38 PM

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BFMemulator problem - anyone help?

15 August 2006 - 12:43 PM

Only discovered this site yesterday - love it. Thanks to all concerned.

However I have a problem with BFMulator as follows.

When I first installed via the wizard, I downloaded Cops n Robbers and Pharoah's Gold and both worked fine - until I closed the emulator down and went back in later.

What seems to be happening is that the emulator is now running in very short bursts several seconds apart, so that it presents as a series of "stills".

I tried uninstalling and starting all over again - that worked first time, but problem came back after quitting and re-entering and now even uninstalling and reinstalling doesn't seem to make any difference.

Anyone else had this? Anyone tell me what to do? Thanks in advance for any offerings.