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Member Since 23 Dec 2011
Offline Last Active Nov 14 2012 10:01 AM

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In Topic: NOVOMATIC games for pc finally original one!!!

27 December 2011 - 12:01 PM

Hi Guys, This not is Deluxe Version, is only Multigambler XVIII with some graphics of Deluxe. I don't know a emulator for Original Deluxe Games, this system Deluxe is fantastic. This graphis I pay for a guy Cyprian to do. This Multigambler with graphics Deluxe not is for Free Download, is in my list of sell. I have a very list of games for sell. I send for you only the version of Multigambler Novomatic of 1 channel of Credits. My profesional version have 7 channels for credits (1 for 100 credits, 2 for 200 credits, 3 for 500 credits, 4 for 1000 credits, 5 for 2000 credits, 6 for 5000 credits and 7 for 10000 credits). In the profesiona version have the key generator for sell licences and too have the Deluxe graphics. Soon I'will to post to you some games what I don't work more. Are emulators of games originals.

See you later Guys.

In Topic: NOVOMATIC games for pc finally original one!!!

23 December 2011 - 11:59 PM

Press X+Z, The password is 1-3-5-7-9 of numeric keyboard (only numeric keyboard) and down in init machine, the bottom for init is line 9 (9 on numeric keyboard). Chose the denomination, the value of channel of credits and the games what will initializate. You can choose 10 games only. The system XVIII have 19 games, but only can choose 10 games.

Enjoy Guys

In Topic: Aristocrat MKV (aka Mark 5) added to MAME

23 December 2011 - 11:08 AM

I want to know the progrees of the emulation of the MKV for mame. Somebody?

In Topic: NOVOMATIC games for pc finally original one!!!

23 December 2011 - 10:59 AM

It's no virus guys, is false positive, I use Smart Security of Eset. Avira say what is virus, but not is. I don't need send virus for nobody. Download who want, is not an obligation.

In Topic: NOVOMATIC games for pc finally original one!!!

23 December 2011 - 10:38 AM

Hello Guys

Novomatic Multigambler Coolfire 2 Original:




MSN: homem_invisivel_games@hotmail.com
Skype: higames
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/higamesBr
Facebook: http://www.facebook....p?id=1029530358