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Member Since 20 Aug 2006
Offline Last Active Aug 24 2006 09:15 PM

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In Topic: Compression

23 August 2006 - 01:35 PM

Nails is DIVX a program? Whats the full name of the program called?

At the moment i have managed to convert to WMV but people wont be able to view it if they dont use Windows so i need to convert to Divx.

In Topic: Last Question I promise!!!!

21 August 2006 - 10:35 PM

Finish your credits off collect the bank and it saves the memory of the machine.


ah cool, what happens when the Cashpot and Reserve runs dry? can i top that up to £100?

In Topic: Last Question I promise!!!!

21 August 2006 - 10:25 PM

Ok Im all set now, but can you save your game, if like i won £20 can i close and play again next day with £20 saved, or does everything have to be reset?

In Topic: Last Question I promise!!!!

21 August 2006 - 10:04 PM

I presume you are still talking about Andy's Big Time Club? Sometimes the machines DX's / classics don't have the ROM files attached. Usually you can download them by searching for that machines ROMS though. The notes will usually tell you if the ROMS are there. If not, do a search for that particular machines ROMS and remember to save and unzip them into the same folder with the original DX or Classic file.

When you say "Rom & Machine" do you mean theres only 1 Rom file for all games that require the Rom?

And is the Rom on this site, or do i have to look somewhere else?

Nevermind I see now..

I goto Downloads section and the roms are there along with the game, i put these in 1 folder.

I get it, i was searching for Andy Capp and downloading what i saw, i wasnt aware there was a section for Roms Specifically

In Topic: Last Question I promise!!!!

21 August 2006 - 09:25 PM

I understand what youre saying and i have read all 3 tutorials, i dont have a problem loading most roms, i just have a problem with the Rom and Sound file thats missing.

i cant seem to find the Rom file, where is it? thats all i need to know, all the other roms i have seem to work, its just a select few that dont and the tutorial doesnt tell me why and how to solve the issue.