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Member Since 20 Aug 2006
Offline Last Active Aug 24 2006 09:15 PM

Topics I've Started

My Time on the Slots...

22 August 2006 - 10:01 PM

Not sure if this is right section for it.

And i know its only virtual but still......


Its a WMV file of the Eastenders Slot, Youtube and other Hosts ruin it with the small WMP Window.


22 August 2006 - 08:53 PM

Can anyone help...

I am screen capturing Video and it saves as AVI, I am using Camtasia.

A 4 minute Capture is 85Mb In size and I need to reduce it to a manageable size with min loss of quality and frame rate.

I know this can be done as i have seen, video on Youtube etc.

Can anyone help?

I used AVI to Mpeg Converter on my file and it went down to 41Mb but the video was Jerky.

Last Question I promise!!!!

21 August 2006 - 07:37 PM

Ive got all 3 Emulators now and i have some Roms....

I just like to Say Great job for those who make these playable on the PC, that includes the Programs too, i will be having many hours of fun on these.

Has anyone seen the Andy Cap Rom? Thats a good game, i miss that, i think it was a £200 Machine, I dont know if it was a JP, or BF though.

My question is this....

How do I fill up the Reserve and Cashpot on BFM? I have Dr Who loaded up but the Cashopot is £2.00 and reserve is 20p

I appologise for my Questions but i only found this site last night, and i have never played Fruit Machines on the PC so i am a complete Noob at this.

Thanks for reading.

Roms dont Fit screen

21 August 2006 - 06:07 PM

I am using JPemu for a few of my Roms, One in particular is Casino 5, but the buttons are off the screen and i cant seem to shrink it to fit.

I am sure i am not the only one with this problem, and im sure there is a solution, can anyone tell me what i need to do to get it to fit correctly?

I am using 1280 x 960 Screen res on 19" Monitor

What do i need

21 August 2006 - 05:13 PM

What do i need to play JPemu Roms?