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Northern Pieman

Member Since 08 Jan 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 14 2012 07:34 PM

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In Topic: Project Amber Stuff

14 January 2012 - 07:34 PM

Hmm wonder who this is, strange for a brand new member to be so worried about guitar. He is OK I spoke with him last night and he is fine.

thank you that is all you had to say that he was ok without the rest of the comments

while you are here - can you please just say a few words as to if this has been cancelled or not, people are reading terrible things being posted on another site

In Topic: Project Amber Stuff

08 January 2012 - 04:59 PM

Thats the kind of comments that pi$$ designers off. I know it's in jest but think of it this way. Say you was the one that had spent months and months on something for free and was going to release it for free and then you have a few set backs and people start moaning etc how would you feel if you saw a post like that? I would think you know what f*$k it! Why bother if all they are going to do is mock it like this let them make one for themselves.

Really gets on my man B(.)(.)B's

have you been chatting with nick

is he good and actually ok, i mean has anything bad happened to him or have you not heard from him either