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Member Since 01 Jul 2003
Offline Last Active Dec 13 2003 10:48 AM

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In Topic: Stop fruit theft campaign

11 December 2003 - 03:33 PM

Instead of ruining your layouts with this message you had planned to incorporate why not persuade the designer of MFME etc to incorporate it into the emulators start up greeting?
I guess this would'nt work with current versions of the software but future versions could include some sort of messge?

In Topic: Stop fruit theft campaign

11 December 2003 - 09:54 AM

Yes they can be downloaded for free...and yes, there are people just getting new computers who do not know what they are doing, and buy them unaware of this. There are adverts on ebay for information you can easily get via google (the winXP messenger spam for one)...just type it into google! Yet people are buying this information for a pound a go! Unfortunately these CD's are aimed at a market of computer novices...I have also seen MAME roms, SNES roms, N64 roms etc etc. Not once does it state in these adverts that they are in fact easily downloadable from the internet and they are providing a service to avoid long downloads. Judging by that persons attitude in his email replys, I gather he really could'nt give a TOSS about this community or the people who have worked so hard to create it. I suggest contacting Ebay and explaining the situation to them, including the persons ebay ID. These people have no sympathy for others and deserve a good kick up the arse. I put them in the same group as the people who sell links to pyramid sites...I saw one poor sod had bid up to 40 quid for one of those links...again, net ignorence...the sort of person these people prey on.