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Member Since 26 Aug 2006
Offline Last Active Sep 05 2010 02:02 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Best/Most fun Fruit machine experience

07 May 2009 - 08:30 AM

My best was on an online slot. Bear with me till I get to the slot part.

I had a £5 football fixed odds up for £1650 on Stan james earlier this year.
Hull and Arsenal were playing in the evening and Hull were 16-1, a very good price as they had a few good results earlier in the season.
So I had a cheeky £10 on Hull to win, which they did giving me another £170.
My balance at this point was about £1850 because of money I had in the account anyway.

So I decided to go on the pirate bonus slot because I had some reasonable wins in the past.
I started off on £1 a spin and after half an hour was up about £50, so moved it up to £2 a spin, then £3 and so on as it was playing pretty steady. Anyway I eventually end up playing £5 a spin and hit the bonus cash wheel.
First spin on the wheel £1000, second spin £250.:D

Ended up cashing out £3500 and still had £200 in my account which has been paying for my coupons all season.

In Topic: Reel King Download Link

01 February 2009 - 04:35 PM

Thanks Kriss.

Any more of the same type ?

In Topic: Reel King Download Link

01 February 2009 - 04:04 PM

I am an unashamed lurker it has to be said, so I apologise for that.

I would still like a PM for the link though if anyone would like to oblige.
Thanks very much.