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Member Since 28 Jan 2006
Offline Last Active Oct 31 2024 06:28 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Bellfruit Road Hog Club

23 August 2017 - 08:02 PM

Thats gonna be a good one to see - I thought at first you were working on the crest road hog but I had only glanced at the topic title,  now that I see the piccy and description properly I am intrigued!  Never know there was a bellfruit one out there!

In Topic: Barcrest "Circle Skill" frustration

21 August 2017 - 11:51 PM

Im going to assume you can solder so try jump starting it.  Desolder T59, and R79.  That disconnects the reset line from the board.  Now plug power , reels, opto and alpha display back into the board.  sit the board on a chair behind the machine or something like that so that the cables reach.  get a crocodile lead and put one end of it on the 0v test point.  (crocodile leads readily availible from maplins etc, ebay)  put program card in.


Switch on, wait 5 seconds then touch the other end of the crocodile lead to the /R test point.(R with a line above it, not R/W). That will manually fire reset - does the board start?

In Topic: Barcrest "Circle Skill" frustration

21 August 2017 - 11:42 PM

LOL the problem with me is I am always looking at stuff so sometimes I lose track.  I cant recall if you even messaged me !


Ok let me read all of these pages and see whats going on....