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Member Since 02 Jul 2003
Offline Last Active Nov 03 2003 03:50 PM

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In Topic: invincible mode, PLZ READ

03 November 2003 - 03:58 PM

If you ask nicely on Poundrun or Fruit Forums where some of the "Big Cheeses" hang out I am sure someone could burn you an old Pie Factory program and send you the chip.

I don't have a reader/programmer myself but there are several who do. All you would need is a blank chip of similar spec to what you have in the machine now.

In Topic: Help me remember!!

03 November 2003 - 03:50 PM

Glad I could help ratcatcher.

I believe Gamball support has been long requested of the MFME author(s). Trick is how to simulate an actual moving part in the machine and the dynamics of it. True, you could just generate a random number but anyone who has seen the machine will know that the numbers are strategically positioned so that overall the chance of a duff gamble is slightly increased.

If I remember correctly the rom does run in the emulator but locks up on the gamble. Someone else can no doubt confirm that for sure as I don't have the rom here.

In Topic: G For George

03 November 2003 - 03:47 PM

All joking aside, George was a landmark feature.

Consider the extra code and intelligence that had to go into the rom to be George - no mean feat when you are doing these things for the first time.

Although quite basic in his understanding of the inner workings of the machine (collecting all wins no matter how small, but then again, that is the best chance of winning, not to gamble) George was once of those breakthrough concepts still used on machines today, albeit without the George name. Of course George couldn't be *that* intelligent, after all the machine knows how much it is going to pay you on a feature or win, and sharing that info with George would mean you would always get the best outcome, gambling to the limit, part collecting etc - people would never play manually again!

In Topic: Help me remember!!

29 October 2003 - 03:11 PM

ratcatcher - The machine was Gamball and it was by Barcrest. You could gamble all wins up to max £2.40 cash, the JP had to be gained from regular play.

In Topic: simpsons

28 October 2003 - 01:15 PM

there is a version of the simpsons game (not the emulated one) that looks like the coronation street game with that speccy git on the left, does anybody know what tech it is?

It is Duff Beer Guide you mean that has the similar to Rovers Return (which I assume you mean as it is the only coronation street I know of with Reg on the left) and it runs on Epoch technology, so no emulation at present.