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Member Since 24 Sep 2006
Offline Last Active Jul 25 2017 08:46 AM

Topics I've Started

Why mess with machines and there jackpots?

25 November 2008 - 11:38 AM

Having been a fruit machine fan for years, it upsets me when you play a newly released machine on a high jackpot then play the same machine 1 year later and the jackpot has lowered and the gameplay is shite.

Why do the machine manufacturers dont design machines solely for the £5 jackpot market. rather than offering a conversion of £25 Jp etc.

Does anyone else feel this way? :bigeyes01:

Fruit Machines in Soaps!!!!

19 May 2008 - 06:12 PM

Why is it in soaps on the tv ie Eastenders, Corrie, Hollyoaks etc have fruit machines in pubs they are usually in test mode. Or if a character in the soap is playing one they use the cheesiest 80's sound effects to emulate them? Can anyone help? Do the producers need some more up to date sound effects?