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Member Since 02 Oct 2006
Offline Last Active Oct 19 2006 08:42 PM

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In Topic: Italian job

02 October 2006 - 04:04 PM

Ive used the 2nd set of 8 switches to up the %age to 80% - i just hoped there was something i could do with the first set of 8 to enhance gameplay. If not, it would be handy to know what these 8 do anyway.......can anyone help???

In Topic: Italian job

02 October 2006 - 09:23 AM

Hi all,

I too have purchased the Italian Job club machine recently, and would like some assistance if possible.

The machine is working fine, however once it pays jackpot (10p / £100jp) it will not give a win of any kind until at least £40-£60 has been played afterwards - which makes for some very boring play.

I am no expert, but am hoping that there may be a way (switches?) of altering the way the machine plays. It has also never given a bonus greater than 'extra feature' from the banked bonuses gained on the board, from over £1000 being played through it now!!!

The machine inside has 2 banks of 8 dip switches. The second bank (these are arranged vertically - this one is at the top) alters the percentage payout, but can anyone inform me what the first bank does??? Currently, on the first bank, all switches are set to off/down.

If anyone has a manual for this machine that they are willing to photocopy/email to me i'd be very grateful - and even pay for it!

Otherwise, if anyone knows of what the dip switch settings are, or of other switches the machine may have which could alter play, your help will be very much appreciated.

