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Member Since 27 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 27 2012 03:57 PM

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In Topic: Jpm Gamebox Full Free Play Upgrade With Simpletouch Fe (i Hope!)

27 February 2012 - 03:57 PM

Hi Ninjauk,

I’ve recently got a gamebox and your thread is very interesting!
When you installed Windows XP did you just put the installation disc in the cd drive and it’s as simple as that to install a new operating sytem?

In Topic: Newbie Gamebox Help

27 February 2012 - 03:52 PM

I have also recently bought a JPM gamebox and had the same problem with the BD 0 (31 15) , CD 0 (31 15) and ED 0 (31 15) error messages but like you soon realised it was because I had the door off!

I’m new to all this and in need of some advise on how to add more games in anyone can help me?

In the CD drive there’s a a JPM gamebox 4 disc and I’ve got 9 games on the system it also tells me I’ve got Millionaire but it says the dongle isn’t enabled. I’m confused about the “dongle” part if the games are loaded from a disc?

I’ve searched ebay for games discs but no joy - is this the only method of adding games?

And does anyone know how to set it on freeplay?

Any advice would be very much appreciated.