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Member Since 08 Oct 2006
Offline Last Active Jan 19 2022 06:22 PM

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In Topic: Hyper Viper MPU5 £5 ROMS

24 May 2018 - 06:08 PM

Does anyone have a game card or set of £5 roms for Hyper Viper, MPU5 in the genesis cabinet, going spare? The £25/35 roms won't go down far enough.


I used to own this machine...


The machine should be able to allow £25 Jackpot or £5 Jackpot (£25 being max) via changing the stake & Jpot key

In Topic: Request of exsisting games

16 February 2018 - 09:00 AM

Here they are.

Many thanks :) 

In Topic: Request of exsisting games

14 February 2018 - 09:09 PM

Take a look in there.

Absolute star... I'll look when I get to my pc as I'm mobile atm but looks promising! Many thanks

In Topic: SR5 Mech Vs Cash flow 126

09 January 2018 - 04:21 PM

Depends on the mountings and if you need to use ccTalk / Serial connections, but if plain Parallel based connection, you should be able to.
I do have a Red Show Us The Mummy, which was a complete bastard to sort for the new £ (Worked out I had to use the SR5i variant of the mech, as some machines will not properly see the new coins, though not all MPU5's are affected in this way), but finally managed to sort it with Steve Hunley's help at Swallow Amusements.

Thanks for that,

I have a feeling it requires CCTalk for it due to the looms already in. I have a feeling that I would just need to update the SR5 for it to work I guess.

Thanks again

In Topic: 2XRio Enhanced machines give away

07 April 2017 - 08:30 PM

what area ?


Reading in another post Nails, Blackpool...



May be open to take one...... not sure what you mean by reimaging the cards though