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Member Since 08 Oct 2006
Offline Last Active Jan 19 2022 06:22 PM

Topics I've Started

Triple 7 Cab for personal use

16 December 2020 - 03:48 PM

Hi all, it's been a while since posting, so hope all is well.


I've been thinking about buying a triple 7 cab (mpu5/6) with the (would you call) 'modded' version where you can have around 30- 40 games installed for real play.


I was wondering if anyone owned one and could tell me their thoughts on having one?


Pros, cons, what to look out for etc?


Thanks in advance

Request of exsisting games

14 February 2018 - 05:27 PM

Does anyone have the following?

Empire Return to the haunted house
Empire Jumping Gems

I know these were made several years ago by DAD but can't find them for some reason..

Thank you

SR5 Mech Vs Cash flow 126

09 January 2018 - 02:32 PM

Hey all,

Something that I have never come across before, but are you able to change mech from sr5 to a cash flow 126?

Basically I have an updated 126 and wanted to swap out the sr5 inside that only takes old pound coins. The problem is, the loom connects to the VEND BUS on the mpu5 board instead of MECH on the mpu5 board and the current loom doesn't connect to the 126. I have changed looms but get 'check software' error on start up... however, if I reconnect the plug back into VEND BUS but not in the mech I get 'coin mech missing'. Is there a way to switch? Or not?

Machine info: barcrest mpu5 Cock a doodle dough without note acceptor


Bright light

25 March 2017 - 08:17 PM

From the attached file, you'll see the issue. I've had this before from Scorp4. Is it a board issue or lamp board issue. I can't see much wrong with the scorpion board itself. Thanks

Mpu4 board repairs

29 January 2017 - 10:17 AM

Does anyone on here do board repairs for mpu4 mod4?

I have 2 that need a repair (battery leak)
