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Member Since 12 Oct 2006
Offline Last Active Mar 12 2010 07:50 PM

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In Topic: WinUAE (Amiga Emulator)

10 August 2007 - 04:23 PM

On xbox uae, my screen is black, any ideas, when i press left1button the screen then appears but smaller, i think it is something to do with screen location

In Topic: WinUAE (Amiga Emulator)

10 August 2007 - 04:21 PM

You will need a joystick - use f11 or f12 to adjust

I was wondering if anyone knows anything about WinUAE, the Amiga emulator. I have downloaded it, found some kickstart ROMs and also my fave all-time game, Sensible World Of Soccer.

The game loads up, but I can't get any further. The keyboard doesn't do anything, and my USB controller doesn't either. Do I need a joystick to use it properly, or am I missing something simple?

Any ideas guys?[/quote]