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classic gambler

Member Since 18 Mar 2012
Offline Last Active Sep 11 2012 01:04 AM

Topics I've Started

Chuzzy Kit

07 September 2012 - 09:39 PM

hello guys i want to know if you can help i have a chuzzy kit in my bar x i would like to play the bar x in normal mode and not get features from it and play like they have them in the arcades also how do i reconnect a token mech up please


hello guys i want to know if you can help i have a chuzzy kit in my bar x i would like to play the bar x in normal mode and not get features from it and play like they have them in the arcades also how do i reconnect a token mech up please


its on £8 cash jackpot and i would like to lower the jackpot to £6 tokens