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Member Since 25 Oct 2006
Offline Last Active Nov 23 2006 01:10 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Pink Paint for a Barcrest Big Brother

23 November 2006 - 01:10 PM

Tried Barcrest myself again a few times, but still not getting anything out of them.

Any one else find anything out?

In Topic: Pink Paint for a Barcrest Big Brother

27 October 2006 - 08:06 AM

ill see if i can find out the paint code, i need to go and drop a few things off there tommorow.

That would be great!

We await you response...... :-)

In Topic: Pink Paint for a Barcrest Big Brother

26 October 2006 - 03:21 PM

Tried Barcrest for various things, the answer is basically we aint interested!

I tried to find out about getting some reel bands for a King Kebab a few months back.

Sent 3 emails, answered by 3 different members of staff.

Answer 1 was, its too old we dont do them
Answer 2 was, call another number who said they dont know why i was given their number!
Answer 3 was, Yes we stock them, the part number is XX and they cost £16 something plus VAT. But we cant sell to the public, ring one of our distributors heres the numbers.

Suprise suprise, they dont want to know either!!!

So im still hunting for the pink paint..... If anyone from Barcrest reads these threads and wants to let us know the colour we would be more than happy! :-)