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Member Since 25 Oct 2006
Offline Last Active Nov 23 2006 01:10 PM

Topics I've Started

Reel Bands for King Kebab £25 JP

06 November 2006 - 02:18 PM

Does anyone have a set of Reel Bands for a King Kebab Barcrest machine?

Ive tried all the obvious places & Ebay but dont seem to be getting anywhere.

Barcrest have them in stock but wont supply them to me.

Any help would be great as mine are falling to bits now!

Pink Paint for a Barcrest Big Brother

25 October 2006 - 01:04 PM


I have taken advice from various posts I have already read on this forum and took my button panel to a local shop and got them to match the colour "Pink" for me to re-spray.

It doesnt match very well at all as it is too dull, and has not hardened.

Where i had the paint from is now shut down! Bugger!

So, does anyone have suggestions as to the colour Pink Barcrest have used???

I need to find some Ford car paint etc that is the same, but Pink isnt so readily available so i may need to order some.

Any suggestions would be great as the machine is mint except for the flacking button bar!

Thanks in advance,
