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Member Since 02 Nov 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 07 2014 10:01 PM

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In Topic: DOND - Deal or no Deal files - how to play ?

01 September 2009 - 03:35 PM

Just me being silly, but I take it you experts here have seen these rom files too on DOND which i have found?
if not, im willing to share or point you where they lurk.

PS. When i say avid user, yes i am i just usually look for the .gam file and load in and play that, what else is in the zip file which accompanies is usually of no interest to me what they are. I wouldnt need to worry if the fruits work.~ sorry!

Cheers all.

In Topic: DOND - Deal or no Deal files - how to play ?

31 August 2009 - 07:48 PM

Thanks for your quick replies.

So looks like i need a layout and a emulator, both of which have not been created as yet :o(

How do you read the rom files anyways, surely for someone to create an emulator you have to know how to read the roms ? - vicious circle?

IS there anything i can do, to get either of the above up and running?

I must admit, i always wondered how these things were put together !
