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Member Since 05 Nov 2006
Offline Last Active Jan 29 2007 08:15 PM

Topics I've Started

EPOCH Italian Job PAY 100P ERR 01

27 December 2006 - 11:58 AM

A neighbour of mine has an EPOCH Italian Job Machine. When powered up the alarm is going off and on the display it says PAY 100P ERR 01. Thinking this may have something to do with the payout hopper I've removed it and checked nothing was stuck in it and verified that the plastic part inside can rotate. On putting it all back the machine still comes up with the same error. I've traced all the wiring through from the hopper and checked everything is connected properly and can't find anything amiss. If you press the Hopper dump button the machine won't dump the hopper. One last thing in putting the machine into test mode and running a comms check it displayed a port fail message.

I'm not an expert on fruit machines so am unsure what to do next, any one got any ideas?

