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Member Since 05 Nov 2006
Offline Last Active Nov 06 2008 03:25 PM

Topics I've Started

Where can i find a Gamebox 6 manual?

02 November 2008 - 05:52 PM

Hi there. I just purchased a gamebox 6 extra (12 Game one) and i really need a manual for it , as I have no idea how to do things with the machine ie - dump hopper and adjust setting ect, Can anyone tell me where i could download a manual for it?

Thanks , Markyboy !!!!!!:bigeyes08::bigeyes08::bigeyes08::bigeyes08::bigeyes08:

Can any kind soul help fix my neighbour and my own fruit machines?

10 December 2007 - 09:10 PM

Hello you great people. Recently my neighbour and I purchased a couple of fruit machines for our Games rooms -(As every grown up guy should!!)
Only problem is,both of them are now not working properly. My machine is a "Beaver las vegas" by global.It was working fine until i painted the games room and the next day i had problems getting it started -(Alot of constant clicking and resetting,Only ever got it started up once since and then the clicking and resetting again after a few mins!!)

My neighbours machine is a "Barcrest Eliminator". The problem with his machine is that during a heavy poker night-we all smelled some sort of burning coming from the machine and since then he's had problems with lamps lighting up very slowly or sometimes some of them dont light at all during game play.

May I add that He is a Mechanic and I'm a Carpenter,therefore we know very little about theese machines,but any help we can get from you guys in the know shall be much appreciated as we are both willing to have a go at fixing anything.

Thanks in advance for any advice (Or for even taking the time to read my little rabble!!!) Bye, Markyboy !!!!!!

Help me find a Barcrest Eliminator Manual

05 December 2007 - 05:24 PM

Hi Guys, Can anyone help me find a manual for my Barcrest Eliminator machine?
Please help as i seem to be banging my head against a wall trying to get hold of one!!!!!

THANKS !!!!! :bigeyes10: :bigeyes10: :bigeyes10: :bigeyes10: :bigeyes10: :bigeyes10: :bigeyes10: :bigeyes10: :bigeyes10:

Help me play my beloved Barcrest Elininator!

23 November 2007 - 06:09 PM

:bigeyes06: Hi There!!! Is There any kind people out there who can give me a link to a MFME that can run the Barcrest Eliminator Rom? I think i might need mfme 10.1 but i heard there may be an even newer version out there. Even if there is a newer version,Will it play Eliminator?
Ive been surfing the net for theese new versions of mfme and ive had no luck and been almost constantly asked to join some useless site to stuff!!

Thanks to anyone who can help!!!!!!! Markyboy