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Member Since 23 Nov 2006
Offline Last Active Jan 03 2008 08:44 PM

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In Topic: Trouble with MPU5 Starpoint SEC LCD thingy!

30 November 2006 - 07:41 PM

Thanks mate,

That is actually a really good tip. I tried that and the problem was better. The only problem it has now is with cash entry.

I think in this case it is a knackered Sec unit. But that is a great tip for me, and anybody, with problems. As switching the thing on with no program card, as I did. Doesn't seem to clear the Ram. However this method does. It had clearly forgotten old problems.

In Topic: Trouble with MPU5 Starpoint SEC LCD thingy!

25 November 2006 - 06:06 PM

Cheers for that,

Do you know what rating the resistor is? It is just no current was passing the old resistor so there was definitley a fault there. The Sec does seem to work but could be to blame.

I am hoping to get another MPU5 machine shortly, as soon as I win a suitable one on Ebay! So I will swap out the sec unit and see if it works in the other machine. I may well get back to you if the problem is definitely the little bugger!