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Member Since 23 Nov 2006
Offline Last Active Jan 03 2008 08:44 PM

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Trouble with MPU5 Starpoint SEC LCD thingy!

25 November 2006 - 04:28 PM

Hey guys,

I have been trying to find a solution to my Pie Factory problems. I am getting the LCD METER COMMS FAIL message stopping the machine functioning at all. 54-2A I believe!

If I unplug the LCD meter then the machine will function with the hatch open, test mode. However it throws a wobbler without the meter if any cash goes in.

When plugged in the meter does seem to be alive. It will say Sec 2a and then go to all noughts.

I tested all the wires to the meter for continuity and the red wire didn't have this (wires are from MPU5 to Sec unit by coin slot), the others were fine. So the obvious suspect was the resistor along the red wire! So I have been out to Maplins and bought a 1000 Ohm resistor for it. To no joy, same problem. The resistor that came off was a difficult one to read though as you couldn't tell which side to read the coloured bars from. It could have been 1000 Ohm, as I got, or maybe other way round and 120 Ohm!

Does anyone know what the correct resistor should be. Or any other possible solutions to the problem would be great.

