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Member Since 24 Nov 2006
Offline Last Active Sep 27 2010 09:43 PM

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Specific Buttons When Playing Roms

24 November 2006 - 07:29 PM

Sorry if this has been posted somewhere else. I just registered today.

I have just downloaded the emulators and the first rom I went for was The Mob. Everything is great and I have figured out most buttons to use but when I collect a pot, how do I differentiate between collecting the feature, nudge or cash pot? When I am on the board and wish to collect a pot it just automatically collects the cash pot every time. Is there a MAME-like menu for what each button on your keyboard does?

Thanks in advance. :)

EDIT: Sorry! I just figured out you have to press N or F and not C. Duh! Well, since I opened a silly thread I will ask another silly question. Can you alter pay-out percentages?