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Member Since 26 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 19 2024 07:43 AM

Topics I've Started

Azkoyen L6 info (Mech for BGT mini wild cherry)

16 January 2023 - 02:24 PM



I have picked up a working BGT Wild Cherry and would like to update the mech onto new coins as it's taking old pound coins.

I tried Eurocoin services who are unable to program it.

I can't find a manual or any docs as it's pre-internet 1997. I guess it can be replaced with a more modern Azkoyen D4S as it's the same footprint and connector, but not certain the pinout is 100%.


Does anyone here have any info ion the L6? Just a pinout would rellay help, if not I guess I'll have to get the multimeter and scope out.


Would be good to hear from anyone else swho has upgraded a mech in one of these BGT mini's too.





JPM Fright Night?

01 February 2021 - 01:38 PM

Did anyone ever make a layout for JPM's Fright Night?


I spent years trying to recall what machine this was, then it just came to me this week. I recall it was a pinball themes JPM with a special flipper button.

They had it in a chip shop in St.Austell,m Cornwall around 1990 I guess.

There was a flyer on ebay last week, but that listing has now ended. I guess roms would also need to be dug up for this one?



Wanted £25 Space Raiders decals & roms (MPU5)

24 April 2017 - 01:48 PM



I am looking for a set of £25 decals for Space raiders & a program card.


Have thought about print out from the DX and downloading the roms, but would rather have originals.