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Member Since 02 May 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 30 2024 12:49 AM

Topics I've Started

coin out samples

15 June 2020 - 09:19 AM

this is probably a silly question but some machines do not have money out sounds so is it possible to add sounds from another machine ?

MFME 6 Volume Problems

21 February 2018 - 05:55 PM

hi i have been resetting my stats by using the clear ram in the mfme emulator but quite a lot of times the sound totally disappears and some are very low and some boom out ,i have tried using the ctrl + combo but it says it is turned up to 200% and in the gam file it says master volume is at 200% but the volume is still the same no sound etc so any help in this issue would be great as i dont seem to have any control of volume in the emulator as i would like them all to be at the same volume


thankyou in advance

MFME Hyperspin ?

05 January 2018 - 05:39 AM

hi i would first like to thank everyone for all the hard work and effort put into the fruit machines they are just amazing and bring back many memories like getting money from parents to get some trainers and then blowing all the money in an arcade on the fruit machine lol..anyway to the question in hand would it be possible to showcase these outstanding machines in hyperspin so i could scroll through them and choose whichever i want to at the time,i have tried but to be honest i failed bigtime so if anyone could help or say if possible it would be greatly appreciated


thankyou in advance