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Member Since 05 Dec 2006
Offline Last Active Mar 25 2014 11:14 PM

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In Topic: Dond

25 May 2007 - 11:38 PM

If so, apparently some boy had £100???????? of mega streak in my local bowling alley (bexleyheath)

Best result i've had from the 4 reel DOND was £96 off one mega streak. That was in Lloyds bexleyheath before it became crap and changed names. It was chucking out time so it was lucky I knew the management or I wouldn't have been able to put in the extra quids required to make the streak go all the way... Proper result tho considering I went onto the machine with just £8 in my pocket!

The one with blue and red boxes to make the streaks seems ok, there's a pub in Dartford where i've had "go all the way" a couple of times, both times it's gone for at least £50. Not really played the new one where you have to high/low to get round the board, I don't like machines where it can kill you without even moving you around the board!