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Member Since 11 Dec 2006
Offline Last Active Sep 09 2022 06:46 PM

Topics I've Started

just a quickie on 9.4

18 September 2007 - 07:39 AM

Hi all, when my desktop computer was on the blink and my laptop couldnt fit the layouts on, I put the 9.4 stuff on a disk and took them to play on works computer.

Now my desktops back I obviously installed them on it but they dont seem to run quite as quick. Ive had a dabble with the speed in configuration but it doesnt seem to make any difference. And obviously theres lots of different settings to change and to be perfectly honest Im doing them blind so I thought i'd ask before I balls something up!

I know its a small issue but its something i'd like to sort.

Thanks for your time.

Help?! x

11 March 2007 - 08:31 PM

Ive been using jpemu251 and it runs the games fine but the only problem I have is that because Im running it on my laptop I cant fit the whole thing on my screen and I cant see the reels. Its a shame because the layouts are really good. Does anyone else have the same problem?

Also, i havent been on for a bit and ive read quite a few posts about MFME 9.4. What exactly does this do that others dont? Several people dont seem to happy about it. If im kicking a dead horse then soz

bit random?!

01 February 2007 - 10:17 AM

Ok. I was watching one of my Only Fools and Horses DVDs and theres a part in the episode "chain gang" when Del meets a jeweller in a casino and in the background theres some bandits. I noticed Barcrests Blackjack which I've since downloaded and love it.

Has anyone else ever found a good machine on telly or in a film? I watched one of my childhood fave's "just ask for diamond" recently and theres some 80's machines in it but I cant make out what they are.

Yes, this is sad. As I write this my girlfriend is ruthlessly ripping the piss out of me!

Hi everyone

14 December 2006 - 09:34 AM

Just want to say hi. Im new to this and im having fun going through the forums and getting some great games.

I just want to ask a quick question (and im sorry if its been asked before, believe me, i do MAME emulation so i know that happens a lot!)

I was wondering if any of you could tell me if there are machines based on:

: Bullseye
: Big Break
: Gladiators (erm....not for me. a friend!......honest!)

I didnt know if there was a quick way to search for these, like I say, im new!

Keep up the good work.