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Member Since 18 Dec 2006
Offline Last Active Feb 08 2007 11:54 AM

Topics I've Started

percentage settings

03 January 2007 - 02:19 PM

First of all sorry if this has already been asked. I have an older fruit machine JPM play bingo. and it is paying out to much. All i can see inside are jumpers 7 or 8 of them does anyone know the percentage jumper settings. Any help would be appreciated.

my machine is working but still have a little prob

22 December 2006 - 06:36 PM

Hi all
Thanks for your help so far. Got another machine and took the coin mech so my machine is working. Just another small problem, The 20p's and £1,s are going into the same tube and it wont take 50p,s and 10p,s at all. Does there have to be money preloaded into the tubes before it will accept these coins?
thanks cookie

Mars ms 111

19 December 2006 - 03:08 PM

Hi all
Can a mars ms 111 be replaced with something newer. Soz I dont know anything about these.

jpm play bingo fruit machine problem

18 December 2006 - 07:04 PM

Hi All
I have a jpm play bingo fruit machine (just bought it) got it cheap as it is faulty. Everything lights up but when you put money in it goes straight through and doesnt register credits. I know i probably need a new coin mech but where would i get one from or could the problem be something else. Also there is a coin tube missing.
This machine was a blast from my past and i just had to buy it eventhough its not working. Would love to get it working so any help or advice or even someone near me who could repair it would be great. (i live in oxfordshire).
Thanks all in advance