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Member Since 28 Dec 2006
Offline Last Active Jan 02 2007 11:07 AM

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In Topic: Heeeelllppp for a newbie!!

02 January 2007 - 10:03 AM

Hi All

Thanks for all your help.

My lil bro somehow managed to fix he took a tiny bit of polastic out from under the hopper disk and it now works a treat.

Thanks anyway baz.

In Topic: Heeeelllppp for a newbie!!

29 December 2006 - 01:58 PM

Yea have already PM'd him just waiting for reply.

Am at work toda but my little brother is reading this aswell and is currently trying to get the hopper further apart to look for anything unusual.


In Topic: Heeeelllppp for a newbie!!

29 December 2006 - 01:05 PM

Cheers Zeeny

How can i dismantle the hopper further?

Did baz give you the whole hopper with wires on etc or just te hopper?

In Topic: Heeeelllppp for a newbie!!

29 December 2006 - 10:13 AM

Thanks guys Im going to PM baxpeep as he seems to know loads about hoppers after reading these boards.

As for the seller he is adament it was working for him but i know hes lying, but the thing is I don't really want to return I just want it to work!!

I will be leaving him negative feedback though.

The reason I think the hopper is faulty is becausee it works fine until i try to collect a win.

Then i get the pound hopper jam alarm.

So I then empty the hopper, reconect and alarm goes away.

Carry on playing then when i win again it happens again!

Hopper just makes a whirring sound. When i have had the hopper out ive tried to rotate it but it only moves a tiny bit.