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Member Since 28 May 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 16 2014 12:13 AM

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In Topic: Old JPM machines

01 April 2013 - 09:59 PM

Great thanks, really looking forward to getting down to Kent and playing his machines

In Topic: Questions about some old machines

01 April 2013 - 02:33 AM

Hi and welcome to fruit emu; what an excellent first post.

I do not know the first machine you mention, but the second is a brilliant machine called cash or nudge, released by Maygay on the Triple M technology. Sadly this is not emulated in the current publically available emulators, but I believe it has been done privately, so there is hope.

There is more bad news on the original ROM set for Line Up, which again I know of at least 3 people who have a copy privately , but no-one willing to release them to the scene. They were brilliant ROMs with much more to them than just the £2 feature hold trick. Have you seen my 30th birthday tribute post to Line Up? Here is a link.




Thanks you, the tribute is great. I only knew of a few people in my town who know of the trick so it's good to finally meet people who also spotted it. Was just a fluke that we dropped out last coin in at that exact moment. 


Shame about the lack of Emus on those great games but it's promising to know they are out there and possible. I can still hear the sound of the numbers coming in on that cash or nudge and the gamble taking it up towards 99 nudges. 


Speaking on 99 nudges I also remember a 2p machine that was in an arcade in Yarmouth for years (Barons) that went up to 99 nudges. Not sure if if was also by Maygay. Rarely saw the 99 nudges come in but somehow 99 nudges was a more exciting prospect than unlimited with an autonudge, as you could still screw up.  

In Topic: Happy Birthday Line Up

01 April 2013 - 02:25 AM

That's great, thank you. Sad to say that encountering Line Up was a pivotal moment for me. I was interested in fruit machines before Line Up but didn't tend to play the 10p ones (as I was 10 years old and got £1 a week pocket money) but this (not the mention the feature on £2 trick) helped me graduate ot new levels of excitement of wealth beyond my wildest dreams. It's maybe wrong that 10 year olds should be running up and down the seafront with what would be the equivalent of a couple of hundred quid in money today in those golden tokens. I used to have to hide the tokens under my mattress so my mum didn't ban me from the amusements. Such an exciting summer 

In Topic: Old JPM machines

01 April 2013 - 02:06 AM

Thanks all for replying and it's great to see that video, I'm jealous of that visit. Seeing those machines brings back a lot of memories - I remember why we used to bunk off school and head down the seafront. 


Shame those older machines are emulated yet but glad to see people have them, are taking care of them and are enjoying them. 


I was reading about an arcade of classic machines in Kent, so hope to get down there and see what they have.