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Member Since 31 Dec 2006
Offline Last Active Dec 15 2008 07:11 AM

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In Topic: fruit machine emptying device

14 December 2008 - 08:32 PM

Firstly Hi everyone, as this is my first post.
in the advert it mentions about why you cannot use mobile phone on planes as it messes up the electronics. this is untrue its all about triangulation of transmitters and nothing to do with planes. i wont go on any more to complicated, in regards to wether it works.....
you decide. we have tested this and dont ask me where or how as i cannot tell you, lets just say its the industry i am in and who i work with.
if you want to spend your money good on you if i could sell them without fear of any comebacks i guess i could become quite wealthy. just like the guy selling this one.
good luck and merry christmas