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Member Since 04 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active Mar 01 2012 11:13 PM

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Homers Meltdown , is it any good.

25 February 2007 - 01:46 PM

Im considering buying a Homers meltdown machine (10p play £5 jackpot) for my home games room/bar. I currently have an impulse flashback that plays really well and gets quite a bit of use on poker nights etc.

Will the homers meltdown be a good machine for this kind of situation, the flashback pays out quite regularly so keeps the lads interested and enables me to recoup some beer money etc (all pre arranged with my mates).

The flashback isnt a bad machine but I would like a themed machine for the cool samples etc, just dont want to sacrifice gameplay for looks.


How long do the backup batteries last ?.

19 February 2007 - 06:28 PM

Hi all, just wondered how long the backup battery lasts in a fruit machine.

My machine only gets used a couple of times a month so its switched off most of the time, not had any probs so far but I am a bit worried that leaving it off for too long may drain the battery and mess up the memory etc.

Any thoughts !!.

Just acquired 2 machines, what are they worth ?.

07 February 2007 - 07:31 AM

Hi all, Ive just acquired a centurion club machine and ooh ahh dracula club machine. Both seem to work perfectly apart from a few dud bulbs.

The centurion is £200 jackpot 20p play and is adjustable down to £8 jackpot 10p play , it has all the extra decal sets to change jackpot/stake etc and also has the board manual. The ooh ahh dracula is £250 jackpot and also ohas a full set of decals plus some spare buttons and both the board manual and dedicated machine manual. Just wondered how much I should sell them for as I already have enough macines in my games room.