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Member Since 12 Jun 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 20 2016 03:46 PM

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In Topic: Name That Tune / Artist

14 July 2012 - 11:06 PM

Amanda - Boston

At school they taught me how to be so pure in thought and word and deed, they didn't quite succeed"

In Topic: Name That Tune / Artist

13 July 2012 - 10:25 AM

The sun always shines on T.V - Aha

"Went down to the den, found your CD's and I played your Johnny"

In Topic: Name That Tune / Artist

12 July 2012 - 11:25 AM

Pink Floyd - post war dream,

one of about 5 songs my dad sings on a loop all day everyday! He's not actually that depressive normally!

"and there ain't no place that I'd rather be and we can't go back but you're here with me"

In Topic: Name That Tune / Artist

11 July 2012 - 06:12 PM

It's not Costello and definitely not Country and Western, think early 90's britpop with an orchestral element...

In Topic: Name That Tune / Artist

11 July 2012 - 12:18 AM

The day we caught the train, OCS. Had to sing the whole verse to remember what it was called!

"I would like to drink to an absent friend, I would like to think I could remember their names"