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Member Since 07 Jul 2003
Offline Last Active Apr 21 2012 09:55 AM

Topics I've Started

WTF is amos?

10 April 2009 - 03:04 PM

WTF is amos?

W being Who or What.


Posting all over the place (?under other peoples names?):




yet statistics for amos show he/she/it has made no posts???????

Are the admins on to this or am I missing something blindingly obvious?


22 December 2007 - 10:52 AM

Anyone happen to know why DX'CELLENT is down at the moment; all I get is the following:

ifrtide pst anw fred lyk

25 May 2007 - 01:00 PM

fknl wrl gnb spkn n grnz b4 lng cz no1 cn b fkt 2spll prplyorptspczinwrdayizrqwird wtzappnin 2 grmmr azwll u no cz idnt wotzwiv m pstrffeez n fngz lyk wt u uz m4 ne1 l pme wv dis cz mee stk wiv d nglsh lngwij e mks no snz lyknowtimn

Knowledge Base

23 May 2007 - 11:02 PM

Does anyone know what happened to the former contents of the Knowledge Base ... please?

FAO Admin(s)

02 February 2007 - 01:40 AM

One of the regulars (I'm afraid I can't remember who) posted the other day requesting help about creating sub-menus for his website. I posted a reply that I hoped might be of some help but some sicko weird f***er posted just ahead of me with pictures of himself indulging in some sort of pathetic transvestite shit.

What he (or "it") does in his (or "its") spare time is, I suppose, up to him (or "it"). I appreciate that admin. has to take steps to deal with this sort of intrusion, but why does the entire thread have to be erased rather than just remove the individual contribution(s) of aforesaid sad-f***er?

This is the original url: http://www.fruit-emu...quote=1&p=76079

but all I get if I attempt to follow the thread is: