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Member Since 07 Jul 2003
Offline Last Active Mar 19 2009 08:29 AM

Topics I've Started

The Simpsons (Maygay)

23 February 2007 - 11:27 AM

Probably been covered before but...

Did anyone watch the Simpsons episode of Channel 4 last night?

Think its called Rosebud..its the one where Mr Burns tries to find his
childhood bear called Bobo...cracking episode, and it reminded me that all the
sound samples for the old Magay Simpsons Fruit Machine were lifted from
that very episode!!

eg...I'm rich I tell you..I'm rich....and life can't get any worse etc!!

Just thought I'd share that..lol


Reno Casino- Any Experiences

28 April 2005 - 12:36 PM

Was playing the above machine which was a four seater set up with
the 'top' features when you are on to Reno Casino.30p play £25 jackpot.

Got the Reno Casino on each of them and each time (playing the slots
top feature) I got £35 with two chips/spins. They then all said you are now
leaving Reno Casino and no restart of the top feature. Made a reasonable profit.

On the machine there is about 8 chips displayed so I presume you can get more than 2 spins on these machines when on the reno casino feature.

Anyone got any experiences of getting a big 'run' from these machines or
is £35 about the most I can expect

Your last £10...What Fruitie would you play to Double it up?

24 March 2005 - 10:56 AM

I'm sure we all know that gut tightning feeling after doing your wages/savings in the arcades.... :cry:

What machine would you turn to to try and salvage some of your
hard earned cash? Taking about machines spanning all decades!

Most of my gaming started in the £2 tokens, £1 Cash days. (Even in those
days you could easily lose your wages in one session). Still the game play was good and you felt you were in with a chance of actually coming out on top.

My choices would be:

Carry On A £2 jackpot (tokens) but used to give plenty of holds on £1

Spellbound £2/£3 jackpot, video type screen, similar to sidewinder, again
lots of holds on the £1 wins

Spotlights £2 jackpot, start/gamble buttons on the side of the cabinet and a huge yellow Autonudge button, gamble would spin the reels to the next win and holds on jackpot and £1 win was very common.

As the jackpots moved up to to a staggering £4.80 my pick of the crop
would be:

Rags to Riches, multiple hold on £4.80 was common, with best being 6 holds (all hidden, reels did not light or flash)

Hi Rise (emulated here) always good for a streak of £30 plus, sometime
up to £50.

£10-15 Jackpot Machines:

Son of Dracula, always good for a £15 plus up to 2 repeats once you forced the red mode on Dracs cash

Temple of Treasure, red feature on TOT guaranteed repeat

£25 Jackpot

Virtually all are pish, with mostly poor streak potential, shit gameplay/enjoyment and they just eat cash, low techs particularly vile...but then maybe its my age and just prefer the more innocent days of fruities!

What about your choices guys?


Cluedo 1024 , Problem with 1st Reel after dowloading

04 March 2005 - 07:45 AM


Can anyone assist with the above problem. Downloaded Cluedo last night,
and when I load game the 1st Reel is basically white (blank) all other
reels are fine. Looked at the knowledge base and it mentions yellow and pink reels but does not seem to give guidance on how to correct.

Has anyone had a similar problem or give me guidance on how to fix?

Thanks in advance


Only Fools & Horses Problem

08 December 2004 - 07:39 PM

Guys, need your help and advice.

Dowloaded the classic version but when I load the game using the
BFM emulator the following happens:

Display panel on machine says, Checking ROM, takes ages, then
checking RAM, again takes ages, then checking meters. The dice spins
but is blurred.

Then the following comes up:

750-159 FOOL and the machine basically stays like that, you can insert
coins but start does not work or it takes about a minute to spin.

Any ideas?

