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Member Since 30 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active Feb 14 2007 11:59 PM

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In Topic: ldv green label tranformer

14 February 2007 - 11:53 PM

I was so fed up with it next to me i broke it up yesterday i litterly scrap it right done to every nut and bolt i have kept the screws metal alloy and bulbs wiring and buttons but all the rest is gone .

In Topic: ldv green label tranformer

07 February 2007 - 11:36 PM

thanks bencrest for advice,but i think i will call it a day with this one now i dont want to keep spending and spending so i think i will look for another machine, but i dont know weather to go for another barcrest or somethink else has i do have spares.thanks thou everyone it is great to have this site.

In Topic: ldv green label tranformer

07 February 2007 - 06:52 PM

Well my barcrest psycho beast is blown on the main mpu5 board i replaced all the fuses and now it is smoked. so if any one is looking for a barcrest for spares give us shout make me a offer but you have to take away plz if not i will beak it up and sell the parts that does work.Ohh yes the psu is all ok now everythink seems ok but i dont know why the main board caught fire.and smoked.im gutted ...:bigeyes24:

In Topic: ldv green label tranformer

04 February 2007 - 11:32 PM

ok thanks for the info everyone so the new psu are called the yellow transformers ,Will the capacitor actually go bang as i didnt hear anythik when i turned it on.i will test all the component again out of circuit and hope i will find two capacitors and the rectifier blocks not reading.thanks i will let you know how things go.:bigeyes11:

In Topic: ldv green label tranformer

01 February 2007 - 11:24 PM

hiya thanks for the advice i will check again i found the fuses wrong and i am going to replace the all with the correct voltages and then go from there but could i change my ldv trnsformer for a newer type and would this still work as long as it is barcrest type.